I’m a scuba diver. The world under the sea is always inspiring me. I go a couple of times a year in nice tropical warm water. It is amazing the way the light moves. Every single square inch is teaming with life. There are smiles and music in the undersea world. I love the adventure of it.
It is all about respecting all the myriad variations of life around us.
There are two sides to my art, digital and whimsical in the form of cartooning. I personally just like smiling and I like to make people laugh and smile through the whimsy of my work.
This lobster is the fourth in a series of images called Oceanful.
I am 66 years old and have been doing this a while. All my pieces have a strong message. I am a Christian. We live through a lot of messy things. There is always hope and we are never in it alone. I want my pieces to send that message, that we are in this mess together and there is another brighter side to it. In the past three years, there has been a lot of wounding. It is a time for healing.
It is my hope that we all can delight in my image and that is in itself unifying. It is a common outlet and joy, always there. We can choose to focus on that or the differences that make us ill and angry. Yet there are things in nature and around us that are incredible, and we are all a part of that.